smart-contract-intro / contract-data

Contract Data

Now that we have a price, we have to think of a way to add our items. In real life the customer can easily just view if an item is in stock and click its corresponding number to see the price.

However, in order to serve this information digitally we need to provide the customer with the quantity and the name of the goods. Since we chose to have our vending machine price to be static we don't have to worry about providing the price for each individual item.

We can do this with a struct. A struct gives us the tools to serve more complex data with multiple properties.

Instructions (1/2)

Lets initialize a new Struct with the keyword struct and call it 'Item'.
So now we have:
struct Item {
To add properties to it we can simply add different types to it.


For our quantity we can use…

an integer! That's right! Since the quantity is a number we want to store this data as a uint .

All we have to do is declare that within our struct and give it a name. Such as uint quantity;.

Item Name

We also want to store the name of the item, like a bag of chips. For this we would use a string.

A string is a data type that stores UTF-8 data such as “bag of chips” or “drink”

Instructions (2/2)

Now go ahead and put these two data types within our struct and give them the names quantity and itemName.
smart-contract-intro / contract-data

Contract Data

Now that we have a price, we have to think of a way to add our items. In real life the customer can easily just view if an item is in stock and click its corresponding number to see the price.

However, in order to serve this information digitally we need to provide the customer with the quantity and the name of the goods. Since we chose to have our vending machine price to be static we don't have to worry about providing the price for each individual item.

We can do this with a struct. A struct gives us the tools to serve more complex data with multiple properties.

Instructions (1/2)

Lets initialize a new Struct with the keyword struct and call it 'Item'.
So now we have:
struct Item {
To add properties to it we can simply add different types to it.


For our quantity we can use…

an integer! That's right! Since the quantity is a number we want to store this data as a uint .

All we have to do is declare that within our struct and give it a name. Such as uint quantity;.

Item Name

We also want to store the name of the item, like a bag of chips. For this we would use a string.

A string is a data type that stores UTF-8 data such as “bag of chips” or “drink”

Instructions (2/2)

Now go ahead and put these two data types within our struct and give them the names quantity and itemName.